Village Response to Wiltshire Local Plan
Dear Residents of Berwick St James
14th November 2023
The Wiltshire Local Plan open for public consultation (to 22nd November 2023); where communities and individuals are able to comment, via a website portal, on the proposed development of Wilshire’s housing up to 2038. Martin and others have kindly taken their time to plough through the >375 pages of the proposed plan. I have also attended meetings and reached a simple conclusion; there is very little implied and no applicable (by law) housing development requirement on Berwick St James. We are categorised as a ‘small village’ and do not appear with any applied requirement for new housing development. Amesbury has over >500 homes as an expectation.
We write to the village to ask if there are any objections if we now submit a response stating:-
“The Local Plan is sound for our purposes as a small village.”
If anyone objects to this statement on behalf of Berwick St James, please either contact us (Julian, Bill and Hayley) before 20th November via this email address or simply submit your own individual response. Please note the language used in your response must be precise and follow guidelines (an outline is pasted below and is on the main landing page). Not using this language will exclude your comment from the consultation process.
We have two additional potential responses (relating to policy 69 and policy 81) that may be submitted by individuals under their own names.
Please may we have your reaction/comment by 20th November latest.
Yours sincerely
Julian Glyn-Owen
Note 1) The plan describes small villages:-
“Small Villages, are generally smaller and have a low level of services and facilities. There are
148 Small Villages designated in total across Wiltshire. They may accommodate some very
modest development to respond to local needs and to contribute to their vitality.” Pp25
Note 2) Before you comment on the Plan
When the Plan is examined by the Planning Inspector, they decide whether it complies with any legal requirements and whether it meets the 'tests of soundness'. To have the greatest impact, you should focus your comments on:
- whether the Plan been positively prepared; the Plan should be based on a strategy that looks to meet Wiltshire's development need and whether sufficient infrastructure is being provided
- whether the Plan is justified; the Plan should be the most appropriate strategy for Wiltshire, when considered against the reasonable alternatives