The Parish Magazine
January '25
Happy New Year to you all.
Get Well Soon to everyone who is under the weather.
I write this in advance of the Carol Service so I am hopeful that all the hard work in making the preparations makes it a memorable service. Enormous thanks to Stephen Bush for taking on the organisation for the service, to Bishop Andrew for coming and taking the service, to Martin Gairdner and choir for the singing, to the flower arrangers for the decorations, to Ailsa Bush for the refreshments. Many other people are involved behind the scenes so sincere thanks to them all.
In January we have our two usual services, a Holy Communion Service at 9.30am on Sunday 5th January. On Sunday 19th, we are planning a Plough Service at 11.00a to celebrate and bless the traditional start of the farming year.
On Friday 24th, starting at 9.30am we are organising a Deep Clean of the church. If you fancy keeping warm by some dusting and polishing, we would be delighted to see you for however long and short a time you can spare. I shall put the church heating on.
Advance notice that he first Sunday in February, the 2nd, promises to be a particularly busy one, with a baptism for Thilo Hardy (son of James and Johanna) in the Holy Communion service starting at a revised time of 10.30a.m. At 3.00pm we have the wedding of Jack Mynott and Abi Hinchliffe, so that Sunday promises a double celebration and we very much look forward to it.
Berwick residents may have noticed that Launch2Learning have started operations at the Guide Centre. They are there between 9.00am and 3pm Monday-Friday.
Their role is to provide education for children, aged between 5-16, who do not prosper in a traditional educational setting. The approach is based on 1-1 provision in a quiet and calm setting.
The staff made contact via Jonathan Plows and I met them in December. When I visited, they had six children, with a further two expected to start the following week.
The staff want to give the children a sense of doing something for others and so they are baking a number of mini-Christmas cakes and mince pies to make into parcels to be given to individuals in the village. This is very generous and much appreciated.
If you see a number of young children in the village, accompanied by adults, they may well come from the Guide Centre so please make them feel welcome…
The January Chats are on Tuesdays 7th and 21st January from 2.30 – 4pm, come at any time, lovely to see everyone. There is no charge, cakes are welcome too!
Do you want to move to one Chat each month? Or keep it as it is? And would you prefer the 1st Tuesday or the 3rd Tuesday? Would another afternoon be better? Or are you happy as it is? Please email Nicky on [email protected] with your comments – I really need as many responses as possible!
Christmas Wishes. The lovely Christmas Wishes Afternoon was great fun and the Tree looks lovely. The Christmas Cancer Research Tombola made £238 - a wonderful effort from all for such a great cause. Many thanks to all at The Farm Shop.
Many thanks to Sam and all at the Old Forge Farm Shop for organizing the Needle Felt Gonk making Workshop. It was great fun, and the cakes and sausage rolls very tasty. Looking forward to the next Craft Workshop!
Christmas Closing. The shop will be closed from Tuesday 24th December. And re-open, ready for the New Year, on 2nd January at 9am.
A great time was had by all at the Christmas Fair in the Reading Room on 16th November – the room looked bright and cheerful, and full of gifts and raffle, and ready for Christmas. A wonderful amount of £435.50 (including a sale made later on ebay for £15) was raised. Many thanks to all the committee, and everyone who helped, brought donations, came and bought and enjoyed the chat and ginger cake and tea. (and especially to the ones who helped clear up afterwards).
We would like to make new village cards and so we need new photographs of the village! The cards will be made in the summer, but we would very much welcome some winter photos. If you would like to, and there is some wonderful weather – snow, frost etc – then please send photos to me at the highest resolution you can, and the Reading Room committee will chose the photos to use later in the year. Many thanks indeed.
Nicky [email protected]
The Reading Room was full of lots of children of all ages on Saturday 23rd November for the Christmas Crafternoon, lots of glitter and glue and stamps, and cards and decorations were made. Great fun for everyone especially for the toddler table too! Many thanks to those who donated craft items – we had lots! Thanks especially to Jo, James, Elspeth and Rosalyn for the fantastic organization and cakes and refreshments, and also to David, Ellie and Aoife for helping to tidy up afterwards!
In my last article I attempted to explain the road numbering system. But our road – the B3083 - doesn’t entirely fit.
This is because at the introduction of the Road Numbering in 1923, it was the A360 – the main road to Devizes.
Originally the A360 started at the junction with the A36 at Stapleford (this makes the numbering sensible!). It then followed the route of the current B3083 through Stapleford, Berwick St James, Winterbourne Stoke and over the hill to Shrewton, joining the A344, and then on to Devizes as the A360.
In 1935 there was a revision of the road numbers and the former B3086 between Salisbury and Airman’s Corner became the A360. The A344 and A360 ran on the same road to and through Shrewton, but the A360 number became dominant, and continued to Devizes. The A344 between Shrewton and Warminster was later renumbered B390.
Our road from Stapleford to Shrewton became the B3083. The number B3083 was actually originally a short road in Blandford. In the 1935 renumberings this road was renumbered to be part of the B3082, and so the number was available to be used elsewhere!
Why wasn’t the Devizes road an A road in the 1923 list? The current A360 was a turnpike (toll road) from 1761 to 1870. Our road was described in 1841 as the “only Public Carriage road between Salisbury and Devizes…for some years past used as the Mail Coach Road “. In 1923 it was probably thought that most traffic travelled from village to village, rather than cross country town to town. However, it only took a few years (1923 to 1935) for the authorities to realize that the main road was, in fact, the Devizes road, and it was renumbered the A360.
Written and researched by Nicky Street